Justifying My Spending.
I have been justifying my spending quite a bit, but there is a legitamate reason for all of it. I need to spend 75 dollars to go to the beach. There are no clean public beaches, but I live on the Persian Gulf so I have to go to the beach somehow. Also on a public beach I can't wear a tank top and shorts or heavens-for-bid a swimming suit. There is likewise a perfectly legitimate reason why I need to spend 22 dollars for my delivered-to-my-door dinner. If I took a taxi to the restaurant, it would cost 7 dollars and then I would have to wait there (and surely my time is worth something) so I would have to pay the taxi driver to wait for me which would cost another 3.5 USD. Also Tikka Paneer. Do I need to say more?
Arabic Again, but No.
I signed up to take another Saturday morning class, but I must have been one of only a few interested parties. I'm totally bummed about this and I hope the next time around, the class will be able to run.
Ticket Buying Spree.
Honestly it's pretty insane the amount of plane tickets I have in my name. The list is comprised of the following: India, Hungary, Rome, Athens, Santorini, San Fransisco and Nebraska. Pretty ridiculous, I know.
Math Club.
There are free after school clubs available to our students. Teachers offer up an idea and if enough students sign up for their club they get paid to lead a weekly hour length club of 12 students. Since I haven't given in to the many tutoring requests and I passed on leading a club last semester, I signed up for one this go around. Well, actually I signed up to lead 3 clubs. Each club meets for 7 weeks. Only one of my clubs got enough registered students to run though. Normally it is required that at least 12 students register but since my club is academic only 7 were obligatory. 8 students signed up it. It's been fun and it's giving me more bait for my teaching tool box. Though it was open to 2nd- 5th graders, only grade 3 students attend. Also I have never had more than 4 students come in the 3 weeks we have been convening. Two of the students are from my class and all 4 of them are third graders. They are also all energetic, chatter box boys. Remember my class of 25 has 16 such boys, as well. #thestoryofthisyear
We interrupt this blog to bring you a picture break.
A fancy abaya.
An example of how a cubbie should NOT look. A true story.
Our tree is now covered in equivalent fraction flowers. No one noticed the un-equivalent mistake in my example flower.
Our read alouds from this year.
My dinner. I currently, basically eat this every night.
A friend took this picture of our neighborhood.
Avacado and chocolate hummus. I tried the avacado. It was good, but I'll stick with the normal kind from now on.
The Road of the School Year is Curved.
I spent quarter 1 and 2 getting acclamated to teaching and then quarter 3 and 4 come along.
To end our Science unit on flight and design, Grade 3 competed in an airplane contest. My students were disappointed because their planes weren't awesome. Sorry 3A, I will improve my airplane making skills. If only you also knew how little I knew about flight or design before we began this unit. #storyofmyfirstyearteaching
Last month we had Student Led Conferences. The way it works results is I actually only have to have one official meeting with the parents a year, unless the parents request to meet more. Parent Teacher Conferences are in the fall and Student Led Conferences happen in the spring. They were a pretty good experience. I set up 3 or 4 conferences to happen at the same time in our room. They were completely student led. Of course, prepping them was time and energy intensive.
Last week there was a student music concert I had to attend. I knew I was expected to attend it, because I was told so, but when I arrived the other teachers were with their classes. I am still not sure if I was suppose to be there as a teacher or an attendee, I spend the next 35 minutes trying to quietly keep my class quiet, but not overstep the role of any parents who were present. The awkwardness of not knowing what is expected of me. #storyofmyfirstyearteaching
This week my students delivered the persuasive papers they turned into speeches and condensed to index cards. Traumatically, for ME, I had to pick 5 semi-finalists and then I brought in another teacher to help me pick my class finalist. The results were impressive actually. I did not give speeches when I was in third grade. But also, there was bitter disappointment and even tears as the result of my decisions. Broke my heart.
Today we had Sports Day. I refereed a 15 minute soccer match. That was beyond ridiculous. I had to ask the 8 year olds how a soccer game starts. I had to ignore and placate claims of fouls. "I didn't see it." "We only have a short time." "Lets just keep playing." Seriously it was humiliating.
We also have a business fair coming up next month where my students will create a business plan and design and create a product to sell (for fake money).
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