
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Nebraskan in Kuwait

Well, I'm not there yet. I'm preparing to go to Kuwait.

I will be teaching 3rd grade next year at an American school in Kuwait.

So how did you get a job like this? Well, since you asked, (or rather since many people have asked)- I attended an international job fair.

I knew I wanted to teach elementary school overseas. So, when I saw there was going to be a job fair in a neighboring state, I signed myself up. Fortunately, a fellow recent graduate asked to join me.  We packed 3 interview outfits and headed to Iowa. Around 600 teachers attended the fair, along with representatives from 125 International Schools.

Long story short, I was offered a position at, what seems like a good, school in Kuwait. Kuwait was not in my top 10 initial choices, so I knew little about it before I began prepping for my interview.

It was one of those times when you just know. I had many incredible encounters with superintendents and principals from other schools, but this one just felt right. I believe moving to the Middle East to teach is the right thing for me, right now.


  1. I believe it the right thing too, Shannon! Many prayers will be following you. Sherry.

  2. Shannon, I think you are very courageous! I know you will be a blessing to your new school, as well as all those you meet on the streets! I am so excited for you and will be praying for you. I, for one, am anxious to read of your journey! Keep blogging!

  3. This is so exciting! I'm following your blog ;)

    1. I am planning to head your way this summer. I hope we can meet up and I can meet the men in your life.
